Onesheet Provides Better Online Presence For Artists & Bands
As social media platforms increase, a typical music act has five to six social media accounts. The challenging part is to get their fans to connect to all of these accounts. Not anymore. Onesheet, a new website launched today provides the ability to put together a page with important info from many social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, Tumblr, Soundcloud among others. We’ve seen attempts of this in the past but no company has been able to create the type of appearance that makes visual sense. Onesheet provides that sensibility as you can view a great deal of content of an artist with out the clutter we’ve seen in the past.
The buzz has already started on how Onesheet will be the next big thing in the music industry and we couldn’t agree more. Artists & Bands be sure to check out the tutorial below and head to to secure your account!